Air and Space Museum, Tucson Arizona Pictures
taken at PASM on August 2005. In many cases, I tried to take closer
pictures to provide greater detail on the aircraft.
SR-71 Blackbird. Excluding the X-15 Program, I believe this is the fastest airplane ever made, despite
its 1960's era design
SR-71. I noticed the ripples on its body and am not sure if it was that way originally or if its due to aging
SR-71 with a view to its engine
SR-71 engine inlet
SR-71 side view
Afterburner section of engine exhaust
This is a direct shot into an SR-71 engine exhaust
Aircraft parked at PASM
...These are interior shots of a B-52 bomber from the
front wheel well.
Looking in the B-52 wheelwell, yet another vast array of tangled pulleys, cables, and wires that somehow functioned in unison
Standing under the wing, four engines can be seen for a total of eight engines on this aircraft
This particular B-52 was part of the X-15 program.
Not so high, but still mighty
Cockpit of former Air Force I
Interior of a restored B-17 bomber
A gunner's bubble on the belly of a B17. Guns on either side can be
Fuel Tanker
Various aircraft permanently on loan, resting in the desert
Thanks to SSgt. Jared Terman for making terminology suggestions that improved this page. © 2020 John Miranda