Banff and Yoho National Parks, Canada

During July 2003 we visited Alberta and British Columbia. Banff and Yoho are adjacent, and are spectacular parks. Below are pictures of the Canadian Rockies. The pictures are not in any particular order.

(s = 35mm, m=6x7 Medium Format, l= 4x5 Large Format)

Bow Lake (s)



The $20 view of Moraine Lake (l)



Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park (s)



Lodge at Emerald Lake. (s)



Canadian Pacific Railroad crosses the Bow Valley. (s)



Logs collect on Moraine Lake. (s)



Bow Valley, Banff National Park. (s)



Lake Louise can be seen far below, as we hike up to the Plain of Six Glaciers.
This trail was closed two days earlier due to a Grizzly family in the area.
Clapping and making noise was recommended for smaller groups of hikers to avoid bear surprises. (s)



Boat next to Emerald Lake. (s)



Canoes at Moraine Lake. (s)



Another view of Emerald Lake. (s)



Johnston Falls, near the Bow Valley (s)



Snow capped peaks across Bow Valley. (s)



Three miles past and above Lake Louise, we arrive at the Plain of Six Glaciers.
Nearby, is a wonderful tea house, offering refreshments and food.
This tea house was built in 1927 by a Swiss couple.
This picture shows lots of vertical convergence as I aim the camera up. (s)


� 2013 John Miranda